
作者:荷马奖章   2021年04月16日 15:42  中国诗歌网    639    收藏






 “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

—Alfred Tennyson, Ulysses. 1942

Homer is the father of European and world culture, and his two great epics—the Iliad and the Odyssey— are the foundation of literature, the eternal inspiration for art and culture. The blind singer left a message of universality and built monuments, which are not dashed by centuries. Visions of this great creator had the power of flames and ignited the imagination from antiquity to the present. Thus, a great heritage group of worldwide artists was called into existence, September 2015, in Brussels, to inaugurate the European Medal of Poetry and Art. Medal recipients were artists from USA, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Italy, France, Bulgaria, Brazil, Peru, China, etc..

The European Medal of Poetry and Art, HOMER, will be awarded to outstanding creators in the world of literature and the visual arts. A jury will award the artists, whose works will be, with simplicity and beauty, universal messages to the world, reflecting the ancient patterns. The most important category is the level of artistry and the power of transmission, so that subsequent winners may enrich the pantheon of their spiritual father, Homer.



大流士·托马斯·莱比奥达(Dariusz Tomasz Lebioda),1958年4月23日出生于波兰北部城市比得哥什。他在卡什米日·维尔基大学研究、教授十九、二十世纪波兰文学。但在早先,他业涉救生员、农场工人、送液化气工、生意人等种种,亦曾在军中服役,也曾作为政治犯被短期关押。1994年他于格但斯克大学波兰文学专业获得博士学位。莱比奥达获得过许多波兰文学奖项,包括:安杰伊·布尔萨奖、斯坦尼斯瓦夫·维斯皮安斯基奖、克莱门斯·亚尼茨基奖、布鲁诺奖、胡莱维奇奖等。他的诗作多次发表在重要的刊物上及被研讨。他是波兰诗歌新生代(1950年代)中最著名的诗人之一。已出版50余种著述,包括诗歌、传记、历史研究、论文集、学术专著。他的作品被译进多种语言:英、德、法、西、俄、日、中、阿拉伯、乌克兰、希伯来等。他主要关注波兰作家,但也为英美作家贡献一些文章、随笔——如福克纳、辛格、考德维尔、马拉默德、默多克、戈尔丁。他热爱希腊诗歌,力推来自这个阳光国度的多位诗人,为卡瓦菲斯、埃利蒂斯、赛弗里斯、赛奥菲鲁及其他许多人撰写文章(著文推介)。他是在美国、中国、库尔德斯坦、伊拉克等地举行的各种文学活动的座上客,获得过库尔德斯坦水晶奖(2011)、屈原国际诗歌贡献奖(2020)等。2015年始,莱比奥达成为欧洲诗歌暨文艺荷马奖章的评委会主席。

Polish poet, writer, literature professor, translator, editor, Dr. Dariusz Tomasz Lebioda was born in Bydgoszcz , Poland in 1958. In 1994 he received Ph. D. in Polish literature at Gdansk University and then teaches in Kazimierz Wielki University. He is Visiting Professor of The State University of New York at Buffalo – SUNY (2002) and longtime researcher at Polish universities and colleges. He is the author of more than sixty books of poetry, short stories, diaries, essays, scientific monographs of European romantic poets, contemporary Polish poets (Miłosz, Herbert, Różewicz, Szymborska) and world novelists (Faulkner, Caldwell, Golding, Singer, Murdoch, Pahmuk, Coetzee, Naipaul, Lessing, Le Clézio). He is the winner of a lot of Polish literary prizes: that of Andrzej Bursa’s Award, Stanisław Wyspiański’s Award, UNESCO Prize of International Day of Poetry, Ianicius Award and Bruno’s Award. He is the leading poet of the New Generations in Poland– poets born between 1950 and 1960. His works has been translated into many languages – English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese and many more. He is the guest of many world literary festivals, including those in United States, Belgium, Iraq, China, Armenia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. From year 2015, he is the President of European Medal of Poetry And Art – HOMER.



PhD Zhao Si, poet, essayist, translator, poetics scholar, editor, is the author or translator of 14 books, including White Crow (Poems, 2005), Gold-in-Sand Picker (Prose Poems, 2005), Disappearing, Recalling: 2009–2014 New Selected Poems (2016), which wins the "2014 Major Support Project" by China Writers Association, Matchstick Man (New York, 2017, nominated for 42 Pushcart Poetry Prize), Zmiznutia a návraty (Bratislava, 2018, honored to be the first book of contemporary Chinese poet published in Slovakia), two poetry books of Tomaž Šalamun (both 400+ pages each): Light-Blue-Pillow Tower (2014) and The Enormous Boiling Mouths of the Sun (2016), Edmond Jabès: Complete Poems (one of two translators, 2019, she is the finder of Edmond Jabès in Chinese language), and selected works by others: Hart Crane (US), Ted Hughes (UK), Yannis Ritsos(Greece), Vladimir Holan (Czech), et al.. Some of her poems have been translated into 16 languages and published worldwide. Her long thesis "Modern Poetry: Translatability and its Perfection" is included in important Alanects on Chinese New Poetry during One Hundred Years. She is a frequent guest in different poetry festivals held in Europe and Asia. She was awarded Polish Marii Konopnickiej Poetry Prize in 2012 , Jerzego Sulimy-Kaminskiego Literature Medal in 2020. Being an Orion Visiting Artist in University of Victoria, Canada in 2017. From 2017, she is the Vice-President of European Medal of Poetry and Art – HOMER and the chief editor of “European Homer Medal Laureates” series in Chinese language. She lives in Beijing.


雷纳托·桑多瓦尔·巴希加卢坡(Renato Sandoval Bacigalupo),秘鲁诗人、翻译家、教授、出版人。1957年出生于利马,曾就读秘鲁天主教大学西班牙语语言文学专业,并在芬兰赫尔辛基大学进修罗曼斯语言文学。已发表诗集《24h航程》《长竿》《坡面的光》《欢迎回家》《背面与逃离》和《铃木-布鲁斯》等,其中后三部2010年合辑为《三脚架》,2013年又推出《球形相机24 x 1》。他的诗歌被译成法语、德语、意大利语、丹麦语和芬兰语。作为批评家他出版了《火的岗哨》,研究象征主义诗人何塞·玛丽亚·埃古伦,以及《冥河:蜗牛壳里的(豪尔赫·爱德华多·)埃尔森》。他也翻译过众多诗人如帕韦泽、夸西莫多、安东尼奥·塔布奇、阿尔诺·达尼埃尔、路德维希·蒂克、里尔克、卡夫卡、索德格朗、阿格伦、帕沃·哈维科、萨里科斯基、伊莎·丹尼森、博伯格、卡洛斯·德鲁蒙德、列多·伊沃、保罗·雷明斯基、西尔维娅·普拉斯,包括塞萨尔·巴列霍用法语写的两个剧本和一个魁北克短篇小说集《上帝之手》。1988年获秘鲁《面具》周报“千字故事”头等奖。他领导“乌鸦巢”出版社和杂志《哎哦哎》《穹隆》,在秘鲁天主教大学举办中世纪德意志、北欧、法兰西文学讲座,也在里卡多·帕尔马大学人文和现代语言学院任教,是利马国际诗歌节(FIPLIMA)主席和秘鲁文化部“出版基金”主任。2018年,加入欧洲荷马奖章评委会,任副主席。

Renato Sandoval Bacigalupo (Lima, 1957), ha studiato linguistica e letterature ispaniche alla Pontificia Università Cattolica del Perù e ha completato i suio studi in filoligia romanza all’università di Helsinki in Finlandia. Ha pubblicato in poesia: Singladuras, Pértigas, Luces de talud, Nostos, El revés y la fuga e Suzuki Blues, gli ultimi tre riuniti en Trípode(2010), e Cámara esférica: 24×1(2013). Poesie sue sono state tradotte in francese, tedesco, italiano, danese e finlandese. Come saggista ha pubblicato El centinela de fuego, libro dedicato al poeta simbolista José María Eguren, e Ptyx: Eielson en el caracol. Ha tradotto, tra gli altri, Pavese, Quasimodo, Tabucchi, Arnaut Daniel, Tieck, Rilke, Kafka, Södergran, Ågren, Haavikko, Saarikoski, Dinesen, Boberg, Drummond de Andrade, Lêdo Ivo, Paulo Leminski, Sylvia Plath, un paio di pièce teatrali scritte in francese da César Vallejo e un’ antologia di racconti del Quebec dal titolo La mano de dios. Nel 1988 ha ottenuto il primo premio di “El cuento de las mil palabras” del settimanale Caretas. Dirige la casa editrice “Nido de Cuervos” e le riviste Evohé y Fórnix. Nella Pontificia Università Cattolica del Perù tiene lezioni di letteratura tedesca, letteratura nordica e letteratura francese medievale. Insegna anche nella facoltà di scienze umane e lingue moderne all’università Ricardo Palma. È direttore del Festival Internazionale di Poesia di Lima (FIPLIMA) e direttore del “Fondo Editorial” del Ministero di Cultura del Perù.



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